Organizam conferinte, festivaluri, sesiuni de dezbatere, workshopuri si tabere/retreaturi, in Romania, cu invitati nationali si internationali.
Organizam festivaluri de film si contribuim la realizarea si promovarea de filme documentare.
Intentia noastra este de-a populariza pe o scara cat mai larga informatie de valoare, ce contribuie la dezvoltarea oamenilor si cunoasterea mai profunda a lumii in care traim.
Unul din evenimentele principale a fost cel organizat pentru Greg Braden. Mai multe detalii puteti afla in articolul urmator
Gregg Braden in Romania Conference August 31- September 01, 2013 THE TURNING POINT!

Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in a domain that bridges science and spirituality. His capacity to find innovative solutions to complex problems brought him a successful career. He was a computer geologist for Philips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, he then worked in the 80s as a Senior Computer Systems Designer with Martin Marietta Aerospace. In 1991, he became Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems, where he was the one managing the development process for the worldwide support team, that ensured the functioning of the Internet today.