We organize trips to energetic centers,cultural and historical spaces representative of Romania.
We organize film festivals and contribute to developing and promoting documentaries.
We bring to the world's attention the high Romanian spiritual values that exists in the Carpathian-Danubian space since immemorial time, through the findings and testimonies documented by researchers and valuable people.
We have organized also the tour in Romania for Peter Moon. You can find more details on article bellow.
Magical Transylvania A Portal into Time The Cosmic Pulse - A Grand Synchronization - Special Guest Presenter: Author Peter Moon

You are invited to experience an amazing Sacred Journey to Romania to explore and integrate powerful cosmic energies that are available at this time.
PETER MOON, author of over a dozen books: "Since the dawn of time, Mankind had recognized the importance of the Cosmic Pulse that runs each year from August 10th - August 14th. The Mayans recognized August 11th as the beginning of their calendar. The Egyptians referred to August 12th as the birthday of Isis and it was their most holy time of the year, a time when Sirius is in its closest aspect to the earth. August 12th was also the date of the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943 and the Montauk Project in 1983. It was in August of 2003 that the discovery beneath the Romanian Sphinx took place. August 2013 will mark the ten year biorhythm since the Bucegi discovery, and it is forecast to be a very important and auspicious time."